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Are you using PmWiki? Feel free to add your site to the list below, and to our PmWikiUsers-Map! If you want to describe even more about how PmWiki is working for you, add it to Success Stories!
ForHire lists some people who design sites, install PmWiki, administer, etc. for a fee.
(All links on this page open in a new browser window.)
Commercial Sites
- SIC Code Wiki - SIC Code Wiki gives information on UK and International SIC (Industry) Code structures
- Crazy Meds - the Good, the Bad, & the Funny of Neuropsychiatric Medications. (30 August, 2011)
-, podiatrist and chiropodist in North London
- Building world's largest repository of GIS knowledge. Using Pmwiki engine with Fox forms to allow users to contribute data.
- 3D Models of Human Anatomy (Dec 11, 2008)
- GASSI-TV pet web tv
- GNUZoo Web Services
- ASC Consultants Wiki Computer Knowledge Base: Using PmWiki as an external knowledge base which allows anyone to add topics related to computer technology . (July 28,2007)
- adiuvo consulting & project management - a small consultancy in the segment of ICT temp management/bizdev/marketing consulting. Aliases or *.com (January 6, 2007).
- Fran Stallings, professional storyteller and musician.
- Quakebake - hand made biscotti and German-style gingerbreads from Napier, New Zealand - PmWiki on the front and osCommerce on the back (December 9 2005)
- material raum form - completely crafted with PmWiki, but with use of div-tags instead of depending on the central playground (September 12 2005)
- Attitude Foods - handmade foods from Waiheke Island, New Zealand (June 9 2005)
- Virtual Group - business specialists based in Wellington, New Zealand (Apr 13 2005)
- - TextMate wiki. (Feb 11 2005)
- oFolio - AE Data, Inc. Publisher of oFolio (Sep 2 2004)
- - Affinity Limited, Management Consultants
- - Thunder Data Systems, Inc.
- ExploreLuxury - A site for exploring luxury items by visiting designers and manufactures around the world. Enjoy
- VTwin Directory - Motorcycle Related Directory
- Not Just Stamping - The online magazine for all stampers and papercrafters.
- FlexiDoc Server Doc2Pdf Online converter that combines Apache Web server,, PHP, Java and PmWiki in a single package.
- Cloud'N' Algorithms-as-a-Service
- Outlaw Automation Engineering Automation Solutions, uses PmWiki for their main site content as well as user support
- Online Blumenversand We are using PmWiki mainly to organize all cooperations with our online partners and all data feeds for the price comparison engine. "Thumbs up!!!"
- Canadian Air Force Intranet Sites - PmWiki is used on a variety of intranet sites not accessible from the Internet. The link is to a screen capture of one such site - an online repository for the Communications and Electronics Engineering Air Operations Command, Control and Information Services Course. PmWiki has been styled to conform to the latest version of the Government of Canada Common Look and Feel Guidelines for the Internet.
- Netherlands Patent Office intranet site - PmWiki is used on the intranet site not accessible from the outside. The site uses single sign-on, an LDAP integrated phone book and several other cookbook recipes.
Medical/Health Care
- American Physicians, Inc. - We are a hospitalist group based in Arizona. We use pmwiki for our intranet and are very pleased with it. It is intelligently laid out and very extensible.
- HanditecAm- The french website of HanditecAM, a network providing technical help to disabled people, by the Arts et Métiers engineers
- - a site for respiratory medicine (pulmonology) doctors in the south west of England.
- Houston Low Vision Club - Support & Information for persons with low vision. Monthly meetings with guest speakers.
Game Sites
Hobby Sites
- - A database of science fiction and fantasy stories, stand-alone and series and their authors, editors and compilers.
- - Wikihistory - A free world history.
- - RedEscuela Comunity. A place to share educational content speaking. Currently google analytics shows over 1200 hits a day (until August 2012)
- - Helsinki University of Technology Department of Automation and Systems Technology, with subsidiary sites and as well as over a dozen intranet sites
- Psychology 2.0 - A new approach to the science of psychology based on web 2.0 tools. Not only a new method of posting and evaluating human related articles but including the outlines of a new paradigm for psychology. You can read, write and VOTE
- EST-Signal Program - Project page of the European doctoral program in signal processing funded by the European Union (Marie Curie Actions)
- - Free collaborative encyclopedia and forum.
- Science Education 2.0 - A site for science educators to share resources, learning materials and research.
- Syslog - Syslog and logging help and information site.
- ITGSwiki a CAC High school collaborative resource project specifically for I.B. 'Information in a Global Society' subject.
- FAMe Frankfurt - A German research group interested in anthropology and media - Forschungsnetzwerk Anthropologie des Medialen
- — Class wiki for Lydia Fish's folklore classes, Buffalo State College, NY USA. Wikis are growing in Buffalo!
- — teaching management website, by Jean Demartini — University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis — France (in french).
- — Class wiki for "Lord of the Rings in Folklore and Popular Culture", Buffalo State College, NY USA
- Teacher Wiki Web - Websites for teachers, online classes, & virtual field trips
- - Department of Computer Science at the University of West Georgia
- - The website for graduate students at St Catherine's College, Oxford University.
- - Yale University's Computer Science lab webpage.
- - Division of Nearshore Research at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
- University of South Carolina Aiken Library
- McGrath Computer Learning Center, Univ. of S. Carolina Aiken
- Demotech, design for self-reliance How to overcome cultural restraints and take initiatives in developing technology, specially related to poverty and environmental decay.
- Pembroke College (Oxford) Middle Common Room - graduate student association
- William Gillet Academy and William Gillett Student
- - Institute for Church Music at the University of Arts Berlin
- Toposcopie - open source method to describe reality
- - Pascal Mueller's Wiki
- - Musikschule Bernsbach / Schwarzenberg (Germany)
- The Anarchy Tea Party Wiki: A collaborative project based out of Bemidji State University, concerning Anarchy and all its niggly bits.
- Kristof De Clercq: Homepage of Krisotf De Clercq, a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Ghent, Belgium. Logic in Communication.
- earlab: An informal group for media arts / art and technology research, based in Greece.
- Preservation Guide An international project to provide professional guidance for audiovisual preservation.
- Golden Key International Honour Society at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi all-major honors society homepage.
- Website for Mountaineering club at Nottingham University
- A site designed to facilitate co-operation between Introductory Psychology Instructors
- - A wiki for the High-Performance Computer lab at Washington and Lee University.
- - A wiki dedicated to verbs.
- Cornell University Office of the Assemblies - A content management system for campus governance.
- Grinnell College Technology Consultant Knowledge Base (2008-06-16)
- Media Revolution in Early Modern Europe - A course wiki for a class on the print revolution at Valparaiso University.
- - IIIT Robotics lab, based in IIIT Hyderabad, India.
- - The Oxford Mobile Robotics Group
- German site about learning biology (Juli 2009)
- - Student website for sharing information about courses
- - wiki site dedicated to the Temenos T24 (Globus) banking package, and more widely to Financial Markets products.
- - Astronomical software support at IAC
- - WR Franklin, RPI, Research and Teaching, over 1000 pages (mostly internal)
- - An extensive database of Southern Gospel recordings, group histories and song details
- - The computer algebra group of the University of Lille, France
- - Edison Developers is dedicated towards creating tutorials for and compiling information about single-board micro-controllers and computers for hobbyists, makers and engineers.
- - Dedicated to knowledges in Electric Engeniring in STS, Annemasse, France
- - Philosophy IANs Laboratory - an experimental wiki for using and sharing various ressources
Non-profit and other groups
- - plateforme de développement et de promotion des échanges non-marchands et de la culture libre.
- - an open interdisciplinary laboratory that focuses on the development of software, hardware and aesthetic solutions for interiors and interactive spaces
- ISAL - Indian Students Association of Leuven, Belgium
- ROSE VZW - An independent, nonprofit (called a "vzw" in Belgium) and volunteer organization to support and foster basic education for children from economically disadvantaged rural communities in developing countries.
- Forbes Library Subject Guides - online pathfinders, research help and reader's advisory for Northampton, Massachusetts public library
- - a collection of CSS code snippets for constructing grid based layouts, columns, basic typography and navigation elements. (October 24,2007)
- Houston Low Vision Club
- Sip Communicator - Unified Communications client projectpage
- North Texas Linux Users Group (NTLUG) - One of the largest and oldest Linux Users Groups.
- Prairie Star District Unitarian Universalist Association of churches.
- Gregorios Lodge - Website of lodge, using PmWiki as CMS
- - A site about Ada (Jul 14 2005)
- Toyota MR2 Wiki - Information on the Toyota MR2. DaveG? (Jul 8 2005)
- Family Farm Defenders - creating a farmer-controlled and consumer-oriented food system.
- Rotary District 5110 - District 5110 encompasses the southern two-thirds of the state of Oregon and the very northern part of the state of California. (Jul 13 2006)
- - Information about the SDB Board of Christian Education
- - Freeware extension for Microsoft Outlook Express.
- - Public and Private Wiki of the Corebounce association.
- - IT Special Interest Group of the Library and Information Association of New Zealand/Aotearoa
- The Munro Pineapple Society - A mountaineering club at the university of Nottingham. (May 10 2004)
- - Fact Repository for the 81-87 Lotus Turbo Esprit (Mar 20, 2004)
- - Corpus Christi Linux Users Group
- - The EcoWiki website is a tool for doing cooperative work on the internet that is targeted towards organic agriculture and food systems in a broad sense. (Mar 08 2004)
- - An encyclopedic information site on Joss Whedon's show Firefly.
- - group collaboration projects including a manual for people with multiple personalities BY people with multiple personalities
- - Optimist Coastal Bend Chess Federation
- Rural Canyons Conservation Fund - Promoting smart and reasonable growth in the development of rural areas. (Mar 17, 2004)
- - a collaboration for DIY knowledge and sharing experience with opensource solar technology for solar greenhouses, self-reliant homes, Eco Villages and sustainable communities.
- WhedonWiki - about writer/director/producer Joss Whedon and the television shows he's created ("Angel", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Firefly").
- TV Tropes Wiki - a wiki about devices and conventions used in a variety of media. Note: This site no longer uses PmWiki in any way; the only trace that remains is in the URL. The source code shows an early version of Pm Wiki markup, but no code is in use.
- started may 2004 - a site for artists in ireland, by artists in ireland; an investigation of using a wiki (pmwiki!) as a site development tool by a group of internet non-users.
- Aiken County, SC Historical Society
- ResumeWiki - Community Edited Resumes
- - Japan America Society in Kansas City, (Learning section is pmwiki)
- - International Good Practice in Indexing Website (Feb 9, 2005)
- - wiki for synagogue in Cambridge, MA (Feb 15, 2005)
- South Carolina Library Association (16 March 2005)
- Carlton Dramatic Society, London, UK (6 May 2005)
- ecologeenet - The wiki for environmental friendly IT and hosting. (June 05 2005)
- TicTalkers Toastmasters, Plymouth, MN A community toastmasters club in Plymouth, MN, USA. (18 March 2005)
- Warren-Forest Court of Common Pleas Web site for the Thirty Seventh Judicial District of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (covering Warren & Forest counties, Pennsylvania, USA). (Nov 11, 2005)
- The Boroondara Bush Wiki - site for the Boroondara Bushwalking club of Victoria (when the members realise what it's for!). (Jan 20, 2006)
- WikiAtheist - a wiki about atheism and religion, run by Atheistic Forum
- Dark Christianity - A Wiki for members of the Dark Christianity community of Live Journal (Feb 16, 2006)
- Cold Molecules Information pages
- DMedia -- Multimedia development using the D Programming Language (May 02, 2006)
- Bethlehem Community Church - An interdenominational community church in Bethlehem, NY. (Jan 1 2006)
- gaming Community A way for share the Game experiences with friends. (March 15 2006)
- plentyfact - hosting/tech collective supporting non-profit initiatives
- Alien Times - Newsletter written by and for the foreign residents of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
- Trains of Turkey All data regarding trains and railways in Turkey. This website existed has 6 years of existence and is being transformed into a Wiki.
- Grenoble (France) Baptist Church
- Development Wiki
- IFNGO- International Federation Of Non-Government Organisations For The Prevention Of Drug And Substance Abuse
- The Cottage Grove Community Foundation
- The Algonquian Confederacy of the Quinnipiac Tribal Council - website for the indigenous peoples of the Connecticut area
- NSLU2-Linux - NSLU2-Linux development group and user community
- Sargeliai community - A regional community website
- - A farmers market in Mississippi
- - Museum for Old Techniques - Grimbergen - Belgium
- Disability Clothesline - exposing violence and abuse of the disabled through personal stories drawn on t-shirts - New Zealand (November 2009)
- Batavia Paranormal Research Society - A paranormal research society located in Batavia, New York; serving the Rochester/Batavia area (November 2009)
- Arbeitskreis Lokale Ökonomie, Hamburg - Community of Projects based on mutual help in Hamburg, Germany.
- Macintosh User Group of Ottawa, Canada - A volunteer organization that promotes and supports the use of Apple Macintosh computers, iPhones, iPods, and iPads.
- freiheitsfoo - Open group on freedom and fundamental/human rights, especially within our more and more digitalized world. (German language only, sorry!)
- - New York Linux Users Group Hacking Society Chapter/Coding Workshop (December 2013)
Projects/project management
Sourceforge Projects
Dutch (Nederlands)
- Palimpsest personal weblog/photoblog
- - Engine behind it entirely pmwiki-based! Site van klein coaching-bedrijf
- website promotie en daarnaast nog persoonlijke info zoals kaasfondue en onder andere reisverslagen
- De tuin wiki informatie om in koud en nat nederland tropische planten in leven te houden.
- - Tripple-o, a Dutch open source consultancy firm
- Het Nederlandse gitaristen netwerk. PmWiki wordt hier gebruikt voor het opzetten van forum FAQs, gitaarlessen en andere gitaarinformatie.
- De belevenissen in en rond Huize Koster-Soer (Gerrit, Mirjam en Yari)
- - Student website for sharing information about courses
- - Family website dedicated to our hobbies. Currently most contents is about the longtail lizard terrarium and the electronics that control temperature, humidity and light.
voir aussi, en français
- Site de la mobilisation à l'Université Montpellier 2, contre la LRU et la casse du service public d'enseignement et de recherche en France (printemps 2009)
- Centre d'étude de la Forêt - A research center interested to forest ecology.
-, I chose PmWiki for its simplicity and nice markup. I am really pleased by the latest version (templates are yummy), just waiting for the integration of a commenting system !
- Capwiki A French personal site with PmWiki : easy to use without Mysql . I translate in french some english words in PmWiki and improve "lean" css template (French : un site personel avec PmWiki Français : très facile à installer et sans Mysql. J'ai francisé certaines parties du programme et j'ai utilisé le modèle css "lean" ).
- De Cape et de Crocs, le site non officiel
- Linucie Un GUL - Groupe d'Utilisateurs Linux- sur Internet pour promouvoir les Logiciels Libres et Open Source, et spécifiquement la Knoppix Live-CD et ses dérivées...
- site perso pour la publication d'informations publiques (ou à usage restreint), notamment concernant la généalogie des familles Meessen, De Vré et Lefever.
- Projet French Arena - french translation project for the abandonware game Arena
- éthic étapes - La Vie en Vert - a Youth Movement and 2 houses (110 beds) in Alsace (France)...
- - Site wiki dédié au logiciel bancaire Temenos T24 (Globus), et plus largement aux produits financiers.
- Jehan's site - a personnal site for my hobbies; astronomy, windpower, pmwiki
- Toposcopie - open source method to describe reality
- - Spotting Group Gütersloh Der Flugplatz Gütersloh von 1937 bis heute (July 03 2014)
- Blumenversender - uses PmWiki for internal purposes
- GASSI-TV pet web tv
- Stiftung Fraueninitiative Women's Initiative Foundation. (June 23 2005)
- - Bouldering wiki
- Bücher-Wiki - Ein Wiki zu Büchern und Literatur
- Das Familienvater-kompatible Heimcockpit - Flugsimulation: Bau eines low-cost Heimcockpits
- - private Internetseite, die PmWiki als CMS einsetzt
- Designer Marken - wir nutzen PmWiki für unsere Leserauswertung
- Augsburg-Wiki - Ein Stadtwiki über Augsburg.
- becko's Eldar - deutschsprachige Seite, die sich mit dem Thema Warhammer40k - Eldar beschäftigt.
- - wir verwenden PmWIKI
- Damasthandweberei - I am using PmWiki 2.0 as a lightweight Content Management System with a custom skin and the Cookbook add-ons UserAuth, CMSLike and EditTemplates. (January 22, 2006)
- - Homepage der SMV am Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium in Langenau
- ElsniWiki - private knowledgebase about Gentoo Linux, computer hardware, software development and some private interests like photography and fishing
- Institut für Kirchemusik der UdK Berlin - Informationen über Ausbildung und Musik in Berlin
- Restaurantberatung - uses PmWiki internal about restaurant issues
- - Homepage des MTV Fürstenberg
- - Private Homepage of Steffen Dolph Burmeister
- PSP-Wiki Ein Wiki zur Sony Playstation Portable (PSP)
- Carola Roloff Infos über tibetischen Buddhismus
- - Homepage einer Mittelschulverbindung aus der Schweiz (PmWiki 2, alles CSS)
- wiki on weblogs, social software etc.
- Das LifeNet ist ein Diskussions-Netzwerk mit Foren zu unterschiedlichsten Themen. Bei uns wird über allgemeine Computerthemen und über theologische Fragen diskutiert.
- Kneipentours Darmstadt n.e.V
- German site about logistics and optimization
- - A wiki about a few things in my life - mostly 3D and programming - for example Cinema 4D and UVmapping
- Fsinf Leipzig Wiki Fsinf Leipzig is the part of the students council of the University of Leipzig in Germany, responsible for computer science students.
- Kölner Literatur - Cologne Books - Köln Bücher
- monheimer-strasse Die inoffizielle Seite der Monheimer-Strasse in Köln / Cologne
- Free and open german Wiki Site.
- Private Homepage von Michael Engelke? mit Schwerpunkt Amiga, Serien und verschiedener Computer-Projekte (Darunter auch PmWiki-Erweiterungen)
- - Here you can get an editor to edit transferproject-files generated by Vignette-CMS.
- - about the Joy in Jesus Christ
- Lexikon des Spieleerfindens - A wiki about designing board games (German/English)
- - Homepage der evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Stuttgart-Vaihingen
- Gourmetpedia - Übersetzte Gerichte für Menü- und Speisekarten
- Uudo!Wiki - Themensammlung: Computer, Politik, Gesellschaft...
- Lugrudo - Linux User Group Dortmund
- - Private Homepage rund um technische Themen
- - Persönliche Webiste mit Notizen und Materialien zu Computer- und Internetthemen (Schweiz).
- - Deutsches Usenet-Kompendium von Usern für User
- - WOBLUG: Wolfsburger Linux User Group
- Schuhe Wiki - Wiki über Schuhe und Schuhmarken
- - LUG Ottobrunn / München SüdOst: Linux User Group München SüdOst
- schamanca Mein persönlicher schamanischer Weg zwischen Anderswelt und Alltag - my personal shamanic way connecting the other world and everydaylife
- attacDresdenWiki Wiki der Dresdner attac-Regionalgruppe, Information über die Arbeitsgruppen und geplante Aktionen (June 26 2005)
- Technische Daten - Publikationsplattform für Programme+Programmierer
- - Privates Wiki Familie Scholz Karlsruhe
- - Das Wiki einer privaten Berliner Rennradgruppe als Ergänzung zur Yahoo!-Mailingliste
- - Infos rund um Softwareentwicklung
- - Wiki als Archiv des Fußballvereins Stuttgarter Kickers
- - Wiki des Lauftreffs Luetzelbach im Odenwald
- SC Sternschanze Jg. 1996 - Website der Fußball-Jugendmannschaft dieses Hamburger Vereins.
- ETV Jg. 1997 - Website der Fußball-Jugendmannschaft Jahrgang 1997 des ETV Hamburg.
- Tief Türkis - Website des Hamburger Pop-Duos "Tief Türkis".
- Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen e.V. PmWiki als CMS innerhalb einer sonst statischen Homepage für die Bereiche Aktuelles, Presse und Veranstaltungen (Juni 2006)
- Die Gruppe MD - Auf diesen Seiten soll, zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen, eine Linke Politische Wissensbank entstehen. (Juni 2006)
- personal site des musikers & dirigenten martin stolz (juli 2006)
- seit ende 2005 bestehendes wiki, indem es um ein leben jenseits der geldlogik geht.
- EDV Dienstleistungen Lüneburger Kleinstunternehmen (September 12, 2007)
- WIwiki-LG Plattform für Wirtschaftsinformatikstudenten in Lüneburg (September 12, 2007)
- Freien evangelischen Gemeinde Frankfurt (Dezember 2007)
- Homepage der Volksschule Oberthulba in Unterfranken
- Downloadportal für Software
- compihilfe - mein online support, Software Empfehlungen und Computerhilfe. (Aug 27 2008)
- Wiki für die NsLu2 - HowTos und Tutorials für die Nslu2 von Linksys (Sep 05 2008)
- Mit Linux in die Freiheit - Linux Argumentationswiki
- - die psg Presse- und Verteilservice Baden-Württemberg GmbH nutzt PmWiki als Intranet und interne Wissensdatenbank (Jan 20 2009)
- - Freiwillige Feuerwehr Zernsdorf (Feb 21 2009)
- Ein Wiki zum Biologieunterricht (Juli 2009)
- Insolvenz Anwalt 24 - PmWiki ist eine effiziente Intranetverwaltung für unsere Niederlassung (November 2009)
- Bürgerstiftung Buno Helms Die Bürgerstiftung Bruno Helms macht sich mit einem PmWiki in Halstenbek und der Region bekannt.
- DSL & Co DSL Blog - PmWiki dient der Redaktion als interne Wissensdatenbank (Dezember 2009).
- KinoViel - persoenliche Kinodatenbank mit Kurzrezensionen seit 2008 mit PmWiki.
- - große Designermode- & Shops Datenbank mit PMWiki
- Loesche GmbH, innovative engineering, uses PmWiki as internal knowledge management tool
- - Internes Wiki für die Mitarbeiter der Webseite
- freiheitsfoo - Offene Gruppe rund um Freiheits- und Menschenrechte, insbesondere im "Digitalen"
Hindi | हिन्दी
Hungarian (Magyar)
- Rally Reykjavik - The site for the Icelandic International Rally (motorsport)
- Konkyo - Bilingual (Japanese/English) site. Articles on faith and science translated into Japanese from a variety of sources.
- AVIKT - Personal wiki for use of PmWiki in education.
- Vreng - Homepage for the Norwegian Adbusters magazine Vreng.
- - Homepage for, school teaching Argentine tango in Oslo, Norway.
- - Wiki-based informative website on events & places in Torun, created, edited and run daily by users directly.
- - Almost all about art of stenography/shorthand - in Polish language
- Mundos & Fundos - Personal page of José Geraldo Gouvêa, with his fiction, poetry and miscellaneous writings.
- REVIDA Nadstavbové aplikácie pre získanie informácií z dát iných aplikácií.
- ILFIRON IT Consulting company. Broad range of IT experience with commitment to build long lasting client relationships. Company flagship application: Doc2Pdf Online Conversion Tool -
- The home page of the Mushroom Society of Maribor, Slovenia
- Blah-blah A Swiss site containing hints about Linux/Gentoo, IT-Projects, arts, general discussions. Experimenting with "A bit modern" skin and "Snap"-previews of external links. English / Italiano.
Personal sites
- BessonResearch - A PhD student's personal web space in Cognitive Psychology.
- - personal work page
- - Rose Coloured Glasses - The Mills Family Wiki
- - The private homepage from Martin Krischik
- - Knappis kleine Welt
- - PmWiki being used to build my personal homepages (at the time of writing, I'm busy configging). All editing facilities will be closed as the wiki functionality is simply used to make my life easier
- - a personal wiki for notes, writing, collaboration, etc.
- Dead Hobo - Home page dedicated to all those who've taken the Westbound train. Catchin’ out on Art, Literature, and Philosophy.
- HiKiWiki - Personal wiki (largely RPG-oriented) of the Hill/Kleerup Consortium.
- HolonWiki - a Wiki about holonic multiagentsystems - just started 07/12/2004
- JBWiki - The Jungle Book Wiki (Aug 13 2004) (as an extention on demonstrating the variety of merchandise related to the book and film versions of The Jungle Books)
- Pitfall - Stories, poetry and pictures from James McDuffie?
- -- Since it's easy to forget so much of the information that flys past, I write it all down. Plus, I manage my projects using PmWiki at
- - Christophe David's homepage.
- Jon's Linux projects
- - a private knowledge management project, German (Swiss)
- - Michael Meer's Personal Website
- WorldWiki is used for noting down settings, characters etc. for some fiction I am writing.
- Shi Daniels site/blog/progress thingy. (Jan 19 2006)
- Wanderings - My online notebook.
- Jochen Küpper - Cold molecules, spectroscopy, and more
- - Open Source Projects, Tutorials, How-To's, Papers, Files, Configs. The majority is to do with Open BSD, Firewalls, Routers, DCHP, DNS, Free BSD, Security, Mac OS X, Perl Programming, Python Programming, GeoCaching, and PDA's.
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Photos, travel information, essays, and links concerning this book by Robert Pirsig.(since May 2004)
- SmithWiki - A blog for my family.
- AWC Family Online - Personal website covering topics such as genealogy, meteorology, computers / software engineering, photography, and general thoughts on life and politics. (August 2006)
-, my personal homepage, uses PmWiki with several extensions. It is really a WikiFarm that also hosts my other sites (Matrioszka, Lwów and O.Staszic) so that there is a common codebase even though they look completely independent from one another. Separation of these websites, which are all located in the same directory, is handled with Apache's mod_rewrite. See SuccessStories#Matrioszka for more information. (September 2006)
- - A Private wiki for freinds and family as well as tracking my R&D projects.
- - Hiking and Backpacking in the Northern Nevada and California Area.
- - For now, a personal wiki used as a repository for School Projects, DevProjects, StudyNotes and for wikiPlay
- - Personal site for Bill Reveile and family and anything else to do with the name Reveile. No public editing, the Wiki part is for convenience.
- - front-end to website by OtherMichael?. No public editing, using pmwiki as the CMS engine.
- Sean Gustafson Online - Personal site of Sean Gustafson.
- My Home Page - Velo, Oracle, New modern vehicle.
- Iain D. Brown - Personal site of Iain Brown?.
- Felix Pleşoianu Wiki - Wiki about wiki technology, world-building and other nerdy topics.
- -- Personal wiki of Tamara Temple.
- -- Personal website for Ian MacGregor?
- -- Part of which is open to the world.
- Intrepid Trek - Wiki for Star Trek fan fiction.
- - Personal Tooling and Lamed Messianic Studies website.
Linux Sites
DOS Sites
Cloud sites